8 Tones Discoloration Blue Fragant Bleaching Powder Nutra Color 500g - NutraHair
Nutra Color Bleach is a high performance product with a smooth and creamy consistency. Its formulation enriched with collagen, promotes softness and preserves the integrity of the hair. It has a homogeneous non-volatile texture, providing a practical and safe discoloration.
The Nutra Color Bleach was developed especially for professional use in whitening techniques, wicks, reflections, balaiagens, pickling and other known processes. It provides a lightening of up to 8 tones in natural or colored hair, preserving the integrity of the strands. Available in Blue.
Nutra Color Bleach must be used together with Nutra Color Hydrogen Peroxide or Nutra Color Revealing Emulsion.
The break time can vary according to the condition of the environment, the degree of lightening of each hair and the desired result. Without the desired discoloration, it is possible to reapply the product, without washing or rinsing the threads.
The use of Ultraplex Nutra Color in the Bleaching mixture is recommended to protect and repair the threads, during the oxidative process.
1 Nutra Color Nutra Hair Blue bleaching powder 500gr.