Biofios Profissional Hair Color Biofios Profissional 7.73 Middle Blonde Dourado - 60g Permanent Coloring

Biofios Profissional

بيوفيوس بروفيشنال 7.73 أشقر متوسط ​​دورادو - 60 جم ​​تلوين دائم

السعر المخفَّض€19,80

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Professional Biofios 7.73 in Middle Blond Golden Brown هي صبغة شعر دائمة تم إثرائها بمفعول مضادات الأكسدة من توت غوجي. هذا المنتج غني بالأحماض الأمينية والفيتامينات والمعادن والأحماض الدهنية التي توفر الحماية ضد أضرار أشعة الشمس.

أحدث الأصباغ المستخدمة في تطوير Professional Biofios تخلق بنية ثلاثية الأبعاد لا توفر لونًا طويل الأمد فحسب ، بل تعالج الشعر أيضًا. ينتج عن هذا ألوان نابضة بالحياة وحيوية تدوم لفترة طويلة.


How long will my order take to be delivered?
Europe, Middle East and Asia customers for the most popular products in 5 to 7 days.

USA and Canada 3 to 5 days

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How long will my order take to be delivered?
Europe, Middle East and Asia customers for the most popular products in 5 to 7 days.

USA and Canada 3 to 5 days

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Import Taxes

Customs Taxes
Import duties, taxes, and customs fees are not included in the shipping costs. The purchaser is exclusively responsible for all taxes applicable to the delivery of the order, including sales tax, value added tax, brokerage fees, customs and excise duties.

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Import Taxes

Customs Taxes
Import duties, taxes, and customs fees are not included in the shipping costs. The purchaser is exclusively responsible for all taxes applicable to the delivery of the order, including sales tax, value added tax, brokerage fees, customs and excise duties.

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Secure Payment

Our payment system is one of the most secure payment processors available. It uses 128-bit SSL encryption technology to protect our customers' information.

Secure Payment

Our payment system is one of the most secure payment processors available. It uses 128-bit SSL encryption technology to protect our customers' information.