Soap for oily skins that controls the oiliness for up to 12 hours without causing irritations or dryness. Formulation as salicylic acid associated with the Oil Control complex that decrease the oiliness and apparent pores, remove the impurities and dead cells, as well as preventing the emergence of acne, leaving the skin clean and with sensation of freshness benefits
"Do not dry the skin
-Forula with salicylic acid associated with the Oil Control complex
-Climpa and purify the skin, helping in combat acne
-Desobstruow the pores "ingredients (active principles)
Salicylic acid: keratolytic action, which promotes smooth exfoliation and prevents the appearance of exclusive acne lesions complex oil control: 4 botanical assets that have anti-inflammatory action, antiseptics, soothing and seworregulator of use (such as use)
Gently massage the product in the skin moistened and rinse then. Use from 1 to 2 times a day or according to medical orientation.